Volunteer Opportunities
Looking to get involved? Below you’ll find current and upcoming volunteer opportunities. From one-time events to open volunteer opportunities with the PTSA.
ISD Volunteer Application Approval Required

All volunteers must have a current school year approved ISD Volunteer Application before volunteering in person. This application needs be completed each school year. Click here to be directed to the ISD Volunteer Application and information. 

Current "Sign-Up Now" Opportunities – Volunteer and Donations
April 30 - April Staff Appreciation Breakfast 
PTSA Committee Needs
  • Staff Appreciation Week Helpers – Work with the chair to organize a week of staff appreciation events for the first week of May. Contact IHPTSAHospitality@gmail.com
  • Senior Events Support – Help with end-of-the- year events for Seniors such as Senior Farewell and Senior Breakfast. Indicate you interest here by selecting Senior Events.
PTSA Chairperson Needs
A chair is the lead and organizer of the event/program; reporting to and supported by PTSA board member.

No current listings

PTSA Open Board Positions
A board member is responsible for programming and events that fall under their designated area. Includes attending monthly board meetings and working with chairs. Email IHPTSAPresidents@gmail.com to inquire about any of these board positions.
  • Advocacy Director - remind PTSA that we are here to support the students. Attend WSPTA Legislative Assembly (October) and Advocacy Day (January). Inform PTSA membership on how to get involved.